Invitation to Submit Papers
Deadline: May 1, 2017
Each year at graduation, the Educators' Award is granted to the author of the most outstanding scholarly paper entered into this annual competition by an NIP community member. We encourage you to enter and join the winners from past years, who are among our most accomplished graduates. With winning comes publication in Psychoanalytic Perspectives, pending final approval by the journal's senior editorial board.
The major purpose of this competition is to encourage members of the NIP community to express their original ideas in scholarly papers. After papers are assessed, judges are asked to develop a list of specific recommendations for the author of each paper. These recommendations are intended to improve the quality of each of the papers submitted, so that whether or not a paper wins the competition, it will be strengthened for possible future publication.
Who May Enter
The competition is open only to authors whose work has never before been published by a refereed psychoanalytic journal or in a psychoanalytic book. Faculty members, supervisors, administrators, candidates, and alumni of all of the Institute's postgraduate training programs may enter the competition. Contestants who have had publications outside of psychoanalysis are qualified to enter. Fourth-year candidates in the Adult Training Program in Psychoanalysis & Comprehensive Psychotherapy may enter their final projects in the competition. Recent graduates of all of NIP's programs are also encouraged to submit their final projects, revised, if desired. With entering, authors grant Psychoanalytic Perspectives the right of first refusal regarding publication.
Scope of Papers
Entries may be of broad scope, emphasizing clinical and/or theoretical material, although those encompassing both will have an advantage in the competition. Papers concerned with teaching and supervising the psychoanalytic process, or that reveal an emphasis on the integration of different analytic techniques also may be entered. In preparing papers for submission, strict consideration should be given to patient confidentiality.
Qualifying Papers
Papers previously presented orally at professional meetings are acceptable. Authors of previous submissions that did not win the award are invited to revise and resubmit their papers, but only one resubmission is permitted.
To be considered for the award, a Microsoft Word or Google Doc file attachment must be submitted to no later than May 1, 2017. Papers received after that deadline will not be accepted.
The paper may not exceed thirty double-spaced, typewritten pages, including the title page and references, and must comply fully with the standards set forth in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (Sixth Edition). Papers that do not comply with these requirements will not be accepted. For examples of the topics and styles that are appropriate, contestants are directed to Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Psychoanalytic Dialogues, Psychoanalytic Inquiry, Psychoanalytic Perspectives, The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, and other leading journals.
Judging Format
Readers are drawn from the pool of prior Educators' Award winners, as well as NIP program directors and senior faculty. Personal, identifying features of the authors are removed so that each paper is independently read blind by two readers. When appropriate, outside readers with special expertise are recruited to evaluate specialized papers. The criteria for evaluating papers include originality, timeliness, style, and relevant literature review, among other standards. The ultimate criterion is that a paper be judged publishable as a valuable contribution to the field of psychoanalysis. The paper judged best with reference made to standardized rating procedures will be selected as the final prize winner.
For more information, please contact the Educators' Award Committee Chair, Rachel Altstein, at