Hui has vivid memories of starting school after arriving from China at the age of 7. “During discussion times and storytelling, all I heard was continuous streams of gibberish flowing out of people’s mouths. Recess was a quarantine, getting ostracized as if I had contracted the bubonic plague.” But in the English as a Second Language program, “the teachers were unbelievably patient and understanding.” And then there was what Hui describes as “mom-assigned homework, memorizing five vocabularies and copying them 20 times each.” Her family’s quarters were cramped, so on weekends she studied in libraries. The results, according to her college advisor at the all-honors Queens High School for the Sciences at Queens College, included taking the school’s most challenging courses, as well as community service that included volunteering at Flushing Hospital. Asked how she would describe herself, Hui wrote, “A textbook overachiever with rather a loud mind than a loud mouth, combined with a vivid imagination and a strong sense of compassion.” Hui aims to become a forensic pathologist. Of her future, one of her teachers wrote: “Miss Shi is like an eagle without wings. Scholarship Plus, with both its financial and professional help, would enable her to soar high, and triumph.”