Ashanti photo


"I will try again, even if I shall fail or fall. I will continue on and on, again and again because I refuse to be left in a position where I'm not happy. I refuse to not have everything I long for."

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Damien photo


“He is admired by many and is a prime example of what it means to be hardworking and determined.”

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David photo


Now, “driven by the relentless curiosity to understand the universe,” he says he wants to become an astrophysicist.

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Deron photo


“Music is a beautiful thing that can change a person's life,” Deron says, “and I am honored that it has changed mine.”   

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Elias photo


“I am studying to become a secondary English teacher,” he says, “because I want to be a teacher that makes students feel listened to. I want students to be able to talk to me.” 

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Hasan photo


"When I was a child, I was like any curious child who loved to explore anything and everything. As I grew older, the flame of my curiosity did not stop, but rather became stronger and brighter."

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Janelly photo


"A compassionate, intelligent and strong-willed individual with a clear sense of direction and purpose.”

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Jayleen photo


Jayleen is looking forward to applying her hard work to the field of forensic psychology.


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Jennifer photo


Jennifer has achieved “great success in both work and play. Her maturity, motivation, and curiosity will ensure that she gets the most out of her college experience.”

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Jodie photo


To know Jodie “is to know that she is going to change the world. This incredibly empathetic, intelligent and motivated young person has accomplished everything she set her mind to.”

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Johann photo


“He is an incredibly ambitious and reliable student who prioritizes his education.”

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Juan photo


Juan plans to major in finance, with an eye toward helping “minority groups of all ethnicities throughout the U.S.” break the cycle of generational poverty.

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Kenneth photo


A “gifted intellectual” and a “deep and philosophical thinker with a profound curiosity about the world and its complexities.”

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Leonora photo


If asked to sum up her key to success, Leonora no doubt would include this word: books. “I am really passionate about the magical world of books; reading is like a special adventure for me.” 

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Makaris photo


"The cool thing about creating music is that it not only helps me express myself but allows me to help others."

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Mason photo


"Stoicism has changed my life for the better, as it made me emotionally intelligent, and made me understand the true value of having self-control in your life.”

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Robert photo


Robert has a way of making people “feel comfortable and heard". 

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Stephanie photo


“Art is a way to capture a moment, an idea, a feeling—everything—for as long as possible. My future is still being painted, drawn, inked out with every step I take.” 

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Tamara photo


“My life is like a makeup routine,” Tamara wrote, “five simple steps that are complicated and imperfect but have helped me overcome my biggest life obstacle.”

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Toran photo


Toran is described as a leader. A “thoughtful, empathetic individual who consistently demonstrates a strong work ethic and a genuine concern for the wellbeing of his peers.” 

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