Program Directors' Conference at Hampshire College

October 3-4 - For the first time this autumn, all twenty-two Periclean colleges were represented at the annual Program Directors Conference. The conference was hosted by Hampshire College and President Ralph J. Hexter and Program Director Mary Bombardier.

The conference was a unique opportunity for Periclean schools to share information about program development and activities, meet and network with fellow Pericleans, discuss current and future opportunities for collaborations, and inject new insights and ideas for future initiatives.

At the conference there was discussion about individual campus initiatives and future Periclean programming in areas such as "Student Advocacy and the 2008 Elections," "Preparing Students for a Life of Civic Engagement After College," and "Project Pericles' Role in the National Civic Engagement Dialogue and How It Can Be Expanded."

Along with generating a number of inspiring ideas, Program Directors had the opportunity to get a taste of Hampshire life through student led tours of the campus, including a visit with the friendly goats at the student-run farm, and a fabulous dinner with faculty and students at Hampshire's Red Barn.

To view photo album of the event, click here.